Friday, March 30, 2012

Almost time to tell......

Next week both set of parents along with Will's little sister are coming to Gainesville!! They have no idea about the baby and we cannot wait to share the news. I am glad that we have kept the secret for so many reasons but it has been HARD!!!  I had my second Doctors appointment this week and we got to hear the heartbeat. It was fast 160 to be exact. I do not have another appointment until May 3rd when we find out if our baby is a Girl or Boy. I cannot wait to find out but im more exited about seeing the baby looking like a baby (my first ultrasound was at 6 weeks and the baby looked like a tiny speck see previous post for pic).  We also had an unexpected question while at our doctors office... the office manager asked if we would pose for pictures for their new website and waiting room pictures. I was slightly hesitant BUT then she said we will receive a free maternity photo shoot for our trouble!! SOLD!! Professional pictures are not cheap and honestly it sounds like fun oh and the pictures will be displayed in Florida where we don't know anyone so all around good deal!!
How far along?-Twelve weeks and two days
Total weight gain: I lost three lbs.... Dr. said this happens but that I need to eat more... so of course now Will is all over me about eating thanks doc haha
Maternity clothes? No...
Stretch marks? No...
Sleep: I sleep well until early in the morning when I have to get up and pee :( (like 5am) 
Best moment this week: Heart beat at Dr. Appointment (160)

Miss Anything?Sushi and Advil Liquid Gels
Movement: no 

Food cravings: No not yet 
Anything making you queasy or sick: certain smells and chicken which for those that know me well is so strange because its all I ate pre prego
Gender: We find out on May 3!!! Cannot wait to see him/her 

Labor Signs: no
Symptoms: I think im over the nausea it was only bad for a few weeks, im still tired alot, and some food just isnt appetizing...... but over all I am feeling good!! 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On. I really hope I can wear them the whole time I know its not that big of a deal but I love my rings!!!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am not scared to admit im SUPER EMOTIONAL!! Poor Will
Looking forward to: Next Thursday and finally telling everyone!